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Lending a helping hand with UYO

Helen Beeby

We want to turn your attention to something you may have recently taken for granted over the last 12 months - we’re certainly guilty of it ourselves. Although a reminder not many of us want, but it is in fact to do with the pandemic. COVID-19 has rippled across the world, affecting every corner, near and far.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel however, with many schools across the globe reopening, including those in Malawi, despite the recent delays.

The majority of us have free and available access to cleaning facilities, and products, as well as the required masks that many governments have made mandatory. Sadly, others are not so lucky.

The COVID-19 Challenge

In fact, Umodzi Youth Organisation has found that a common challenge Malawian schoolchildren face, is the lack of face coverings and masks being provided.

Children and their parents are responsible for sourcing these, and ensuring their children have one to go to school with. It’s important to note that students can only attend school if they have a face mask.

With just 55% of children at the school surveyed owning just one face mask, and 45% unable to afford them, we’ve seen a clear need for a greater number of masks. Although important for their health, we don’t want to see children deprived of their education due to them lacking a piece of fabric. That’s why we’re teaming up with UYO, to provide the training and resources for these much needed face coverings.

We’ve made a donation to this worthy cause so that a team in Malawi can create 2,350 two-layer cotton masks, with elastics, and distribute these as needed.

Keep an eye on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter channels for regular updates on our project.



Our support for educational projects, which help children in Malawi to fulfill their potential, is made possible by our regular donors. Please consider becoming a regular donor yourself, and join our community.

Registered Charity Number: 1141352

Registered Charity Number: 1141352​

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