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  • nicolacockroft

Make a lasting difference - join Think Malawi Together

We are delighted to announce the launch of Think Malawi Together – a special club for our regular donors.

Together we can enable more children in Malawi to remain in education so that they can make better lives for themselves and their families; to provide the resources that they need to achieve their full potential in school; and to help ensure that girls don't miss school because they don’t have access to hygiene products.

Why join Think Malawi Together

Think Malawi Together members will enjoy a range of special benefits including newsletter updates, early-bird access to our events, and the opportunity to attend our AGM. Regular income is vital enables us and our partner organisations in Malawi to plan ahead for the needs of learners there.

How do I join?

To become a member, visit our Think Malawi Together page to complete an application form.


Our support for educational projects, which help children in Malawi to fulfill their potential, is made possible by our regular donors. Please consider becoming a regular donor yourself, and join our community.

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