Think Malawi is now an associate member of Keeping Children Safe; an independent not-for-profit "...set out to internationally recognise child safeguarding standards that ensure all organisations working directly for and with children have comprehensive safeguarding measures in place. Their independence means that their standards and advice are not influenced by any other organisation or government."
Why is safeguarding important to us?
Children are among the most vulnerable people in any society. They can be easy targets, and can quickly become victimised. Think Malawi is committed to keeping the children that are involved with our projects safe, upholding their right to dignity and to be respected, nurtured and protected by all.
What does Safeguarding mean?
In the UK, safeguarding means protecting peoples' health, well-being and human rights, and enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect. At Think Malawi, we understand it to mean protecting people, particularly children, to ensure their safety and well being in all the work that we do.
A fragile but rewarding relationship
We want all Think Malawi participants to be aware of the power balance between an adult and a child, and avoid taking any advantage this may provide.
Partner charity Safeguarding policies
Before undertaking new projects, the safeguarding policies of potential partners will be scrutinised in line with the practices and procedures laid out in this document to determine if they meet acceptable standards or have the potential to develop their own safeguarding measures.
Images, videos and interviews
The use of images of children and young people involved in Think Malawi projects in publications, on websites and on social networking sites, will be strictly managed and monitored.
Warm heart of Africa While we want to foster supportive relationships between children and volunteers, a child also has a voice to decided what levels of communication they are comfortable with.
Think Malawi thanks the Charity Commission, Keeping Children Safe, and Reach Volunteering.