Think Malawi’s partner organisation, Ladder to Learning, a Malawian NGO based in Lilongwe, have successfully been able to aid Ngwenya Primary School in the overall improvement of literacy levels.
The NGO identified certain problems at Ngwenya Primary School. They saw that literacy levels among children were very low with 90% of the Standard 3 and 4 students gaining test scores of a beginners level. This meant that they needed individual attention however, this was not normally available in Malawi, where class sizes average over 100 pupils per classroom. The NGO then put together a three-part plan that has led to significantly improved literacy levels and Think Malawi is delighted to have provided funding for it.
The Ladder to Learning Ngwenya Literacy Project had the main aim of improving academic outcomes of students in Ngwenya 1 LEA school. The project had three key goals:
Improve the reading proficiency of students that are struggling to read at their expected level.
Improve student culture to a reading culture and give students opportunities they otherwise would not have.
Inspire and motivate the students to have goals and work hard in school.
The goals were going to be targeted with the following actions:
Remedial Reading Lessons: an after school program, involved teaching students that were struggling with reading which affects other subjects.
Reading Clubs: an after school program that engaged students in reading groups. Was also aimed at building reading culture in students and helped to keep them curious and motivated in their studies.
Motivational Talks; designed to inspire and motivate students to have career goals and give them direction. Influencers and Role Models will be invited to speak to the students.
Outcomes over the year
209 students improved in the Remedial Reading program, and 459 improved in the reading clubs. In total, they had more than 668 students improve.
They conducted 5 motivational sessions in the period.
They also had a Teachers Computer Training program where they trained more than a 100 teachers in basic computer skills.
Term 3 Successes
Ladder to Learning saw a lot of changes and successes throughout the year and at the end of the year the following outcomes had been seen:
The attendance rate of the students was at 98%.
Parental involvement was at 92% as they participated in the children’s progress by helping with homework and also following up with phone calls.
Each class was able to attend library sessions at least once a week and they came in large numbers.
Other notable successes with Ladder to Learning:
72 teachers were trained in basic computer knowledge. The Think Malawi funded laptop contributed greatly to making this possible and the relationship between ladder to Learning and Ngwenya primary teachers has been better than ever, improving the impact of the implemented programmes.
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